Endur ID was founded in 2003 with the goal of producing the finest Patient Identification available. At the time, the typical bands were difficult to read, couldn’t support bar codes and were not as durable as they needed to be.

By using durable raw materials and coatings we were able to create an Identification band system which brought enhanced capabilities to bedside. Now wristbands could carry all the same demographics as before, but now with reliable and scan able linear and 2-D Bar Codes, color and Black and White photos and graphics in a durable easy to use and wear format. Our secure products are designed to perform for 3 weeks of more.
We offer products from Maternity to those in Long Term Care – we have a format for every situation.
Endur ID bands are secured to a patient using a simple adhesive closure, there are no extra clips or parts needed. The wristbands are imaged using standard desk top laser printers, producing a durable wristband is as easy as simply printing it. We want your bands to blend in seamlessly with your workflow, and we do this by using the equipment you already use.

Endur ID pioneered the concept of combining all the color coded alerts onto the primary wristband, eliminating the need for extra wristbands. Not only is this more comfortable for the patients, this also creates a auditable trail for Fall Risk, Allergies DNR and any other warning you wish to add. We encourage the use of nationally recognized color standards, which brings the enhanced the safety of color coding.
One of the challenges surrounding the use of these enhanced bands is the collection and formatting of the bands themselves. Endur ID works with a number of strong software partners which gives us the ability to interface with your Hospital Information System, add and track photos, color coded warnings and patient movement. Our systems include all you need, software, media and training.

Accurate and Enhanced information at bedside is the goal of Endur ID. We want to provide caregivers with an unparalleled amount of information, in an easy to use and easy to wear format.

Endur ID is all about patient safety – let us build a system for you.


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