Although a variety of systems have been used over the years when developing hospital wristbands for patients, errors have still been made in the areas of incorrect treatments and prescriptions. As a result, a Milwaukee hospital decided to ensure that some of its tiniest and most vulnerable patients – namely, newborns – are clearly and […]
When you are injured, or when a sudden illness strikes, getting to a hospital on time can save your life. As a result, when you place a call for emergency services, you expect an ambulance to arrive and care for you until you get to the hospital. A startling survey conducted by the Scottish Labor […]
Over the past few years, one of the most crucial topics of conversation that has arisen in the medical industry is that of hospital patient safety. This has led to the development of a wide range of technology-based solutions, all of which will go a long way towards ensuring that all patients are as well […]
When patients are admitted to hospitals to have treatments performed, they expect to receive the right diagnoses, medication and treatment at all times. However, there are still too many cases coming to light where patient safety is being compromised. It has been suggested that overhauling IT departments in hospitals and other healthcare facilities could go […]
Over the past few years, numerous hospitals and health care facilities have reduced the amount of nursing staff in a bid to cut costs in as many areas as possible. Although the care facility in question may be saving money by doing this, it undoubtedly has a negative impact on one of the most important […]
Patients who are undergoing surgical procedures that require the use of anesthesia will expect the most qualified person possible to oversee the process. However, a new bill that has been proposed for hospital patients in California could very well put patient safety and the quality of care that they receive while in hospital, at serious […]
When a family member is hospitalized, most people naturally assume that he or she will be safe until they are discharged. However, according to information stated by Magdalena Kalata, who is President of the European Health Parliament, as many as 37,000 hospital patients die as a result of various hospital and healthcare-related infections each year […]
Thanks to the amount of adverse incidents that take place in hospitals and other healthcare facilities these days, a topic that is on the forefront of many peoples minds is that of patient safety. Although there are numerous technology-based safeguards that have been put in place, an important question has arisen of whether that is […]
Each day, thousands of people are hospitalized around the country for various reasons ranging from minor ailments to major surgeries that they need to have performed. However, there have been many cases where patients have suffered unnecessary injuries or even death while under the care of medical professionals in hospitals or other care centers. As […]
In 2003, the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education started recommending duty hour requirements of 24 hours for residents, which were amended in 2011 to 16-hour shifts for junior trainees and 24 hours for senior trainees. This followed preliminary evidence which showed that restricting shift times could improve patient safety levels as well as resident […]