Image Source: Creative Commons Flickr/miss pupik As many people are aware, the amount of misdiagnoses, patient errors or even baby swaps in hospitals has been steadily increasing over the past few years. That is why more and more maternity wards are implementing the use of bar coded wristbands for babies as well as their mothers. […]

Medication management involves monitoring all medications a patient takes ensuring that the correct dosages are taken at the proper times and with food or liquids. It is important to watch patients for side effects from certain medications or dangerous drug interactions from medication combinations. Step #1: Keep Updated Records There is little more important in […]

Image Source: Flickr/rockbadger Research has shown that one of the leading causes of death that occurs in hospitals is a result of patients being given incorrect medications or incorrect dosage advice. In some cases, giving patients incorrect medication can lead to various forms of irreparable damage to their health that no amount of new medication […]

Image Source: Flickr/Dominik Syka Traditionally, running a hospital involved a lot of paperwork. Between keeping hundreds, even thousands of medical references on-site and the huge amount of room and upkeep devoted to paper based patient records, much of a hospital’s funds went to moving paperwork around. Improved technology may soon change all of that, with […]

Image Source: Flickr/Army Medicine Shift changes of both physicians and nursing staff are always inevitable in a hospitable setting. This can be a precarious time for patients as effective communication between medical staff going off duty and staff coming on duty is crucial for maximum patient safety. It is important for doctors and nurses to […]

Image Source: ABC News Video As most of the world is aware of, Hurricane Sandy definitely left her mark of destruction on the residents of New York. Although the worst affected areas were the seaside neighborhoods, there were a few residents downtown that felt the devastating effects of the wind and rain. Many areas were […]

Image Source: Flickr/Fotos Gov/Ba The complexity of the health care system requires the need for quality and safety standards to minimize preventable medical errors. Following evidence-based practices to reduce errors is a critical component in maintaining patient safety in hospital settings. Patient Safety Assessment To improve the efficacy of the organization

Due to the rising concerns over patient safety and the failures of many hospitals

Image Source Everything a hospital does is ideally targeted toward keeping patients safe. With safety such a major concern, it makes sense that technology would be developed and adapted to target this important area. One of the major uses of new technology is in the area of bar coded wrist bands. Thanks to scanners and […]

Upon admission, a patient ID wristband needs to be produced for each patient. This can be done in admissions, or in the emergency department.